Terms and conditions (for applicants)

canSERV Call for Service Provision on ”Advancing Personalised Oncology”

The canSERV Call for Service Provision on ”Advancing Personalised Oncology” (abbreviation: Call for Service Provision) will provide free of charge access to a range of services provided through European Research Infrastructures and networks.


Submission requirements

In order to apply for services for the Call for Service Provision, the applicants must complete an application form through the procedure indicated in the Submission workflow. As indicated in the workflow, applicants can reach the application management system through the “Apply now” button. (https://www.canserv.eu/calls/challenge-call-advancing-personalised-oncology/).

All proposals must be submitted online. Applicants must register on the application management system, fill out the proposal application form and submit the application. After successful submission through the application management system, applicants will receive a confirming email to the email address provided during registration. The email does not indicate the acceptance of the submitted project, which will be submitted for further evaluation, as specified in the evaluation process on the website. 

Deadline for submission is indicated under the Call for Service Provision on the website. Only fully completed submissions received before this deadline will be considered for evaluation.



Applicants can be affiliated with either academic institutions, research organisations, or industry.
Applicants must be affiliated with an organisation in or outside the European Union.  Up to EURO 100,000 of the indicative budget can be allocated to researchers outside the European Union.
Applicants must be associated with an institution eligible to receive EU funding. Researchers from Ukraine being an Associated Country to the Horizon Europe programme are explicitly encouraged to apply.
Russian nationals on an EU sanction list are excluded from this call.


Terms and Conditions for service provision

For successful projects, the canSERV project Coordinator and partner infrastructures can use the title and the short description of the project, to promote the activities taking place within canSERV. Successful projects may also be invited to contribute towards scientific highlights and success stories resulting from their work.
The duration of stay at a research infrastructure must normally be limited to three months. There is a possibility that the completion of the service provision might take more than three months in case it does not affect a longer physical stay, and in case it is indicated and justified clearly in the application. 

Results and/or data obtained from using the services provided under the Call for Service Provision must comply with the FAIR principles and will be shared initially with two ongoing initiatives within EU Cancer Mission, EOSC4Cancer and, when established, with UNCAN.eu, for the development and improvement of further services. Furthermore, the results and/or data will be reused within the canSERV project or other EU Cancer Mission initiatives at a certain time after service provision according to the canSERV user agreement.  The data generated will then be included in the canSERV service list to support the canSERV Catalogue of Open Digital Research Services. 

If the results and/or data are published, canSERV must be acknowledged in publications. Only user groups that are allowed to disseminate the results they have generated may be eligible for access (unless the users are working for SMEs)

Successful projects agree to assist the canSERV Consortium members by providing reports on project progress and feedback on the project and canSERV processes when requested.

According to the Horizon rules, transnationality means scientists can only apply for TNA services outside of their home country.

Access is granted in accordance with European charter of access for research infrastructures: principles and guidelines for access and related services (https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/524573) and Horizon regulations, including Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022., 3. Research Infrastructures (European Commission Decision C(2022)2975 of 10 May 2022.).


Privacy requirements

Applicants give their free and explicit consent to process their personal data in the context of this Call for Service Provision. If there is a main applicant, it is the applicant, who is responsible for collecting consent from other applicants to use their personal information (e.g., names, email addresses, etc.). canSERV collects and processes personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More information is available in our Privacy Policy.


Confidentiality requirements

Applicants ensure confidentiality towards the Proposal Data, including scientific proposal content.


Changes to terms and conditions

canSERV may revise or complement these Terms and conditions at any time. Applicants are expected to check this document from time to time to take notice of any changes: such changes are binding on you. We will inform the applicants of significant changes via email.